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Tiangang® MB6250PP20

Functional UV Masterbatch for Non-Woven Fabric used as Agricultural Film

Product Name Tiangang® MB6250PP20
Description Tiangang® MB6250PP20 is a light stabilizing masterbatch designed to fulfill the requirement to protect the PP non-woven fabrics used as agricultural films against strong UV sunlight. It is particularly effective when used in thick long-life films, > 100 micron, and expected service life of 2-3 seasons.
Dosage Recommendations Usually 2% - 5% for greenhouse films (0.4 - 1% concentration of HALS), though exact dosage amount are affected by a number of factors, and should be determined by experiments.


 ItemPercentage, %Description
1. Active light stabilizers 20 High molecular weight light stabilizers
3. Active Antioxidants 3 Antioxidant providing protection during extrusion
4. Carrier 77 High melt index PP
  TOTAL 100